Letter #
Raizel Garncarz
Following her expression of happiness over Ala and Sala's reconciliation, Raizel details the contents of a forth-coming parcel to Sala, including Passover matzo.

Full Translation
Dear Sister, To begin with, thank you, thank you for the regards, please return our regards to Miss Ala. I am very happy that Miss Ala wrote to you. This is the best proof that she still means well with you. But Sala, what's going on with you that you don't write our dear parents? We keep waiting impatiently for further mail. Sala, yesterday, we mailed a parcel consisting of the following items: 8 eggs, margarine, 1/4 lbs. sugar, several mazzos. I'm sure you already received mazzos from the community. I think you'll prepare mazzos brei for yourself, so go ahead. I also sent something to my fiancé but only ... I didn't have any more. His address is: Jankiel Goldberg, Bautrupp Heschowitz, Post Mucharz, Kr. Bielitz. If you have a chance, please write him. I conclude with warm regards and kisses from me, your loyal sister, Blima. Best regards to Ala. And special greetings from our dear parents and sister.