Letter #
Raizel Garncarz
Similar to her other panic-filled letters, Raizel appeals to Sala to send a note with some news about her condition. As in other letters, she notes that the family seems to revolve its life around hearing from Raizel, and looking after her.

Full Translation
Dearest Sala! Things can't go on like this. What are we to make of this, we are almost out of our minds from worrying about you. Please be considerate and write. We thought that we might get mail like other people, but no, far from it, there's not a trace of you. Nobody can fathom our bitter nights, how we spent entire days sitting at the community center, waiting for mail from you, but then nothing comes. Are you, God forbid, sick? Or maybe, it just wasn't mean to be. Write, I don't even want to speak of us, but think of your old, dear parents who are heartbroken and don't stop crying. Thee are no words to convey what is going on here. But now, Sala, enough of this. Write. Maybe we could sent you something, only we don't know what. You are not walking around without stockings, are you? Write what kind of food we can send. Maybe you need postcards? We will send you some. Well, what else? I can't think of anything. All I know is, write as soon as you possibly can. We are very worried about your health. I'm closing with the warmest regards and kisses from all of us. Ruzka