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Letter #


Raizel Garncarz




Ala isn't writing to SOS. Complains that Sala doesn't write about herself. Everyone thinks you're coming home but you don't mention it.

Full Translation

Dear Sala, We received your card yesterday and were very happy, of course. We await your cards eagerly even though you hardly ever write about yourself. Why is that? Thank you for the comforting words for L.D. May God comfort her with good things in her life, that's what I wish for her. But enough of this. What's happening with you? Write more about yourself; we're expecting you to come on vacation here. That's what everybody's saying in town and you don't even mention it with a word and don't even reply to any of our questions. Sala, you wrote that you're corresponding with Ala and that you received two letters from her this week. Is she angry at us or doesn't she have a chance to write us, I don't know, why she doesn't write us? I don't know her address and would like to write her even though I don't quite know even what. We're interested to know whether you sent her the certificate and you never replied to this. We think that Sala gets more and more somewhat ___ somewhat___, well, I don't know. By the way, I really would like her to write us, so I have something to reply to. When you write her, just tell her I said that she should not feel insulted and write us or give us her address. Hamburgers regards [doesn't seem] important to you, you never ask about him. Otherwise nothing in particular is going on here. We are all, thank God, well. Blima received(?) ... 25 RM, which she didn't expect. I am closing now with warmest regards and kisses from our dear parents, Blima and me. L.D.*, husband and children send best regards, especially Salusia. Sala, we wrote Mr. Kaufman but we didn't receive a reply from him. Hasn't he received the card? We didn't write anything in particular. Give him our regards. Write us more about yourself. Joris(?) Szond(?) is here right now... *D. looks like a magen David

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Sala Garncarz Kirschner  ©2006

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