Letter #
Sala Garncarz
First letter after the war. I have the pictures of our dear father and dear mother, together with all the mail I received from home…All allong I watched it and guarded it like the eyes in my head, since it was my greatest treasure.

Full Translation
My Beloved Sisters Blima and Rozia Unfortunately, fate did not will it that we should finally meet after six years. However, this does not scare me so much anymore because I have finally located you, and I hope that we will meet soon; I have already lost all hope that I would find anyone from our family. I went back home right after the war ended. Alas, our home is no more! I found nobody there, and you can imagine how I felt in my heart when I entered the main gate. It’s best not to write about it … I left Sosnowiec on the same day, since I could not stay there even a minute longer. We have nobody left, nobody! I have some regards from Moishe David from 1945, but nothing specific. Rozia, Sala, and Abramek Grunebaum from Olkusz are there. Rozia married Leon. I have no other news about anybody else and 1 don’t expect anybody else to have survived at the Nazi bandits’ hands. I am living in Waldenburg, some 800 kilometers from Sosnowiec. An acquaintance just came by to tell me that there is a list from Bergen in Sosnowiec and that your names are on it. The following day I had a chance to drive to Czechoslovakia but, unfortunately, I had to stop in Prague for three weeks. Now I reproach myself that maybe because of it I was too late since, as I entered the American sector, I found out that you had already left for Sweden - it hit me like, a bolt of lightning but, at: the same time, 1 was glad to have the assurance that you are alive. All a long I doubted that you will survive the “Gehenna.” Having found out that you were no longer there, I stopped in Germany, near Nuremberg. I am OK here, and I was promised all kinds of help from American acquaintances, but I would prefer to be together, finally. I have a lot of girlfriends, good ones, with whom I spent a lot of time in camp. In fact, I did not have it bad while I was in camp, because I had help…I had some mail from Laya Dina till 1944, but then it stopped coming. I feel sorry about it, however, we need to accept our fate as others in our situation do. Now I would be very happy to receive some news from you. I have some pictures of our beloved father and beloved mother, together with all the mail I received from home, starting the first minute after I left for camp. Right along, I guarded it and kept a close eye on it, since it was my greatest treasure. Thank God I am healthy, 1 look well, so you don’t need to worry about me. I will send you my picture, taken recently, where you can see me wearing my pullover sweater which I still have from home. Right now I am in Bergen where my friend Zusi received a letter from her sister in Sweden, so I am writing to her sister to send my letter to you. I would like to know what plans you have; in my opinion you should not return here if you have opportunity to emigrate. I will give you my proper address Bejeryn Ansbach bef Nurnberg Rosenbard str. 5 for Moniek Grun Or Ansbach bei Nurnberg Utz 41 for S. Garncarz Both of the above are my addresses. Should you not be able to write to me, please write to Zusi and she will forward your letter to me. Do remember that I am waiting impatiently, for any news from you. Personally, I don’t know what to write anymore as it is so hard to remember everything. Is Gucia Gutman still there? Please write to me and let me know who else is still with you. After I receive your first letter and you let me know whether you need anything, I could send it to you. Meanwhile, I will bid you farewell. I kiss you both warmly. Your sister Sala Please give my regards to Sala Czarka . Poland [sister of Sala Czarka] and Jadzia are not far from here; Pola is by now with her fiance, they both look very well. I saw them in Poland. Please give my regards to al1 of your and my friends. S a 1 a [Translator-. Small insert on the left side of letter, Page 2] Dear Itusia! i would like to ask you to please forward this letter to my sisters B and R. Garncarz , since I have had no news from them till now. I thank you very much, and I am most grateful to you for it. Sala Garncarz [Translator: Small insert on the right side of letter, Page 2] Dearest ltusia, I have a chance to send you my greetings, so I kiss you warmly. Your sister Zusi