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Letter #


Raizel Garncarz




In this unusually long letter, Raizel mentions many issues including that Monik was sick with a high fever, that the family managed to observe Pasdich Karhrut, and the absence of work for the family. Typical of many of her letters, Raizel chides Sala for writing rarely, especially about Ala. Commenting on how how their correspondence sustains their family's bonds, Raizel writes that "as long as you read, we are together."

Full Translation

Dear Sala, Finally! Finally! …It was already too much to bear. How can you wait so long? Oh well, you don’t write that it was your fault. What was it then. We were, in a word, Meshuge [crazy] in thinking about you. We are, however, not completely satisfied, because you write very little about yourself. And we are afraid that “chulile” you are sick, God Forbid. Ala, the most important thing right now, how is the child? Thank God, thank God. First, out of danger. Oh Salu! If you could see him, how he looks, but it doesn’t matter. The crisis is over. I am sitting even now near his bed and the first thing Page 2 I reread [to him] your card. He enjoyed it very much. He asks only why you write so little. His temperature is not so high anymore. It is normal. Soon I have to give you cheerier news. At this moment Monick put his feet on the floor for the first time. The happiness in that moment is indescribable. Because weren’t we without hope. The child lay in bed more than a week with a temperature of over 40 degrees, but finally, finally… More detail I can’t give you. If you knew how it would upset dear mother that I write to you about the child. But, I didn’t know what to do, my heart was constricted with upset. He should only now regain his strength. Page 3 Then he will already be, thank God [back to us]. Rest of the page in Polish from Monick Page 4 Doesn’t that make you happy, Monick wrote you something himself. He asks you to excuse him that he didn’t write already. He is still in bed, and that’s how it is. Well, Salu, you wanted to know how it was at the Seder for us. The problem is unfortunately very womanly. Because, as you can imagine, it’s enough that you remember the scene, how dear father used to come home in the evening from the prayer house and made Kiddush, he broke out in such a painful weeping that he was in no way able to utter a word. So, there was complete silence during the whole Seder. On the second day, we were somewhat calmer. If we had prepared everything Page 5 You can ask yourself if it’s possible. It’s already finished. We will do better next time. Matzos we had just enough coupons for them. Even if we had a lot, we couldn’t eat much, because at that time Monick was very sick. Is it really true, that you made some Matzo Brei. Where did you get Matzos? Did you get something from the community, don’t be angry that we didn’t send you anything, the community told us they would take care of it, so we only sent you [a little] something. To this day, we don’t know if you received it or not. Oh yes, you write about the stairs. Best regards from Matheiser(?) Zeligman and all friends Jocha Beitner send you fond regards. Page 6 Dear mother has already looked everywhere, and only found one, maybe she will also find the second one, if not you will unfortunately have to wait until we will have the possibility to buy. Meanwhile work is very scarce. I have almost nothing to do, dear father also has scarcely anything. We hope, however, that maybe more work will be available. Blime is the same. Ala, maybe you need the summer “palto”, we will send it to you. I really have no more to write. I am very suspicious that you don’t write more about Miss Ala. Did something happen again between you? We are very uneasy, what may Page 7 Have happened again. From Wolbrom, we have not received any mail for a long time. From Olknar(?) we just got some. Regards from us to Abram. What else can I write to you, I feel (as everyone else) that something happened to you. The postcard did little to reassure us. Please write soon about what happened between you and Ala. Oh, one more thing. Balcia Wajustayn visited us and begged us fervently that you should again see if you can help ease the plight of her husband. She sends him through “voj esenwarg” if it is possible for you, she asked, that you look in on him with cooking. Page 8 If it creates problems for you, don’t exert yourself. We couldn’t deny her. You surely know him, his name is Weik, not to write. Now, enough, something about us. Thank God we are all healthy, always waiting for mail from you. You shame us that you write so little. Because of that we are hurt. M.D. was already by L.D. many times, imagine with such illness. The dear parents are thank God healthy, and we are the same. With L.D. everything is already thank God alright. It should only continue to go well with us. Did you write to Goldberg in Lachswitz? I send you fond kisses and greetings, your sister Rosa Warm regards to Miss Ala Do you continue to get along with her.

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