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Letter #


Raizel Garncarz




The letter informs Sala to expect a parcel containing bread, lemon, toothpaste, and cookies. The letter requests for Sala to write more often, and to include greater detail.

Full Translation

Dear Sala, Today, 1/21/41, we'll send out a little parcel, hoping at the same time that it will find you in good health. We ask you to write often, so we won't have to worry about whether something happened to you. The parcel contains several pieces of bread, lemon, toothpaste, sugar, as well as a bar of soap and several cookies, because you love them. Now, dear Sala, there is nothing new to impart from us. Please write more often and more clearly, not so little. However, enough of that. Our dear parents send the warmest regards and kisses and from all of us who would love to see you again. Your sister, [Laya Dina], her husband and her children kiss you and send regards. Raizel Always write us. Be well. The Zeligman family sends regards, special greetings from G. Przepiolla who is here with us just now and sends her regards. Regards from all of us to your friend Ala.

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