Letter #
Zusi Ginter
Served as mail go-between to Sweden, invites her to wedding. Asks her to buy expensive shirt for fiancee.
Full Translation
Dear Sala, Today, for the first time, I received a letter from you together with one of your sister, which I forwarded to her right away. Today I also sent out 2 letters to you Sala, from your sister. Sala, so far I sent out about 10 letters from your sisters to you and I am surprised that I only received one from you. Now I can let you know that in 3 weeks I shall be married, and we are inviting you to come, If you wish, around (?) of February. Sala, as far as we are concerned, we are well, Thank God. My boy are always busy, if you know what I mean.___?___ gets mail from Itusia very often, she is also feeling better now. Thanks to her, your sisters know about you. I also get mail from abroad. Sala, greet Mila from us and if she has time, we are inviting her also. Sala, I would like to ask a favor of you: if you could buy some expensive clothes for my beloved Karol, a white shirt, we would pay you back. Other than that I have nothing more to write. I kiss you warmly also Mila. Zusi Greetings Miss Sala, Don’t be angry at us Sala, that we write so little, we are kindly inviting you to our wedding which will take place in two weeks. We sen you and Michal our regards. Br.Block and Zusi