Letter #
Zusi Ginter
Forwarded two letters from Sweden. Reminds her that Itka found them.

Full Translation
Dear Sala, I have received two letter from your sister for you, one of which I have already forwarded to you. Sala, I wish to let you know that a transport will leave from here, but we don’t know when. Sala, I answered your sister’s letters and I will also send them your picture. Sala, thanks to m Itusia your sisters were located. Sala, how are things with you. I already wrote a few times. Excuse me for writing on this kind of paper, you know we cannot buy any here. Kisses, Zusi, Karol, and Motua Bloch Dear Sala, How are things with you. I have sent 3 letters to Sala, but I don’t know if they were received. I have to finish now because I have to cook dinner. I will write more next time, if I have paper. Kisses for you and Michal from Zusi, Karol, Lola, Motus Bloch