Letter #
Raizel Garncarz
Oh well, that's how it is, you don't write. Are you offended because we didn't send you a parcel? Maybe we can deal with how we sinned against you.

Full Translation
Dear Sala, Oh well, that’s how it is! The only thing I know is, you don’t write. Why you’re acting this way, we don’t know. Maybe you’re upset be we didn’t send you anything, who knows? But Sala, our hearts will burst or overflow and we can’t understand, why you’re acting this way. We’ve been waiting for mail these past two weeks and then all we got was a little post card. You have no idea what’s going on here on account of this and our dear Mother is crying all day long. How have we offended you, is it really because you didn’t receive anything from us? I can only tell you in person, at a better moment and not write truthfully how it looks like at home. You wouldn’t enjoy it very much, we have no means at all. But, thank God, things keep going on. But Sala, you have to understand us. It hurts us to see that everyone sends mail, only we don’t get any. But God will not forsake you and you’re not doing so badly. What could I do, if I went away from home? I would have a lot of trouble, I can’t fathom being away from home. Not everyone is like you, thank God. Again. don’t be angry at us. Don’t think that we don’t care, even if you’re just writing about a piece of eraser. Could there be anything less significant? Or that’s how it seems to you. But, this too costs money and that’s what be don’t have, because I haven’t been working during the past two weeks. Now we are deeply in debt but we’re already getting back to normal. . . . Mrs. Jakrys causes us a lot of trouble, it’s hardly bearable. But if you’re healthy, everything just passes. Sala! Sala, take pity on your dear parents and write more because you caused us a lot of pain with your postcard. Hopefully the time will come, when we can exchange the “good” and the “bad” news. Then you will see that we, too, care. Only, if one doesn’t have any money, one isn’t worth anything and doesn’t comprehend and feels stupid, not knowing what to think. One must have hope and we will talk to one another yet and understand each other. And maybe we can deal with how we sinned against you and you against us. When, when, Sala, will that be? We would love to see you at home as soon as possible. It might be a consolation to you that we’re not angry at you here at home (?). But enough of that. Nothing new happened here. We are well and hope you are too. At long last, we’re sending you a large parcel with . . . toothpaste, eraser, black and white thread. We couldn’t get any other kind of toothpaste. Why didn’t Kaufmann send his regards? Is he still there? We thought that your writing so little [about him] might mean that he might not be there any longer, but we don’t really know what to think. If he’s there, give him our regards as well as to Abram from Olkusch. I’m sending you a photo of Blima and Jakub. We just received mail from him and he’s well. Salusia is happy because you told her how beautifully she writes. She will tell you a lot about herself, when you’ll come here. But when will that be. she asks. Well, regarding Ala, we haven’t received any mail from her and now I’ll write to her immediately. I can’t understand what happened to her. Maybe she’s sick, who knows? We’re already silly from worrying on account of this and we’re also upset. But I hope, she’ll reply soon. Now I’m sending you warmest kisses and regards, your sister Rozia. The same from our dear parents and Blima, L. D., husband and children. A “gut shabbos” Dear Sala, Remember God and write more. I already wrote to Ala. - -