Letter #
Bela Kohn
Bela writes that Sala's friends met Ala during a recent visit, that she impressed them, and that they "no longer wonder, why you like her so much."

Full Translation
Dear friend, We were very pleased to meet your dear Ala. She is even nicer than you described her. She told us everything, it was almost as if you were with us. We all liked her very much and now we no longer wonder, why you like her so much. Dear, what is new with you? When we will see you, we'll probably have to spend an entire year talking and we will tell each other everything. Nothing new here, business as usual. We're working and time goes by. Ala reprimanded us all and she is right [in saying] how can we write to you so rarely. I hope, you will forgive us. You know us, we are too lazy to write, but in our thoughts we are always with you. Kisses and regards to dear Ala, we were taken by her very much. All of my family also sends regards. Bela