Letter #
Sala Rabinowicz
The letter expresses how much Sala Rabinowicz misses her friend Sala Garncarz. She also expresses her unease with writing in German.

Full Translation
Dear Sala, I read the card that you sent me home. I am very happy that you are well and nothing is the matter with you. You ask what is new with us. Nothing new. I spend my time as always. I meet with the girl friends every other week. ... All of us, B.H. and G. S,. had photos made; if you come home you can have them. I took two photos of you, one I gave your mother, the second I kept. I would love to see you. I think of you. I would be very happy if you would write me a letter. I don't write well and with mistakes, but my second letter will be written much better. Regards from all friends. Yours, Sala [R.]. Best regards, Frymka.